Baroque Fashion

I used to have a different blog but have now changed to word press as my host . I had written  this post for my other blog , but  still want to transfer it to this one. It was for the beginning of Autumn but  applies to now  as Winter reveals its unfriendly head , forcing us to pack away our autumn clothes dishearteningly . Winter can prove to be a most fruitful season after all – with staple coats and striking boots. I hope you enjoy!

For this Autumn and Winter , I am loving baroque inspired  fashion. It adds a touch of  drama to your look. The colours are lavish and luxurious fabrics are used such as velvet and silk. Lace, intertwined with exquisitely crafted patterns and designs are sewn onto the garment. Baroque fashion takes one on a journey through a whimsical narrative where beautiful flowers are floating on shimmering ribbon and majestic horses gallop into an opulent future. Create your own tale with baroque fashion. 

Love Ella x

About ellavangeuns

My name is Ella van Geuns and I'm a teenager who loves fashion and I aspires to be the future editor of an international fashion magazine . I love traveling, experiencing new cultures and I am captivated by the Parisian style, and its effortless sophistication. I await each month eager to buy the Elle magazine and devour its contents.
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